

The last Glimpse into the future of this week is 'Dwelling'. Below we show two visions by young architecture firms for locations in Amsterdam and New York. Tuesday July 5 we will discuss the theme of housing in the future during the symposium 'Planning the future of Amsterdam and New York' at ARCAM, together with the other 'glimpse'-themes of our exhibition 'Glimpses': Eating, Breathing, Making and Moving.

Andreas Ensemble in Slotervaart, Amsterdam
The future of 'Dwelling' has led the Amsterdam team Space&Matter looking at new forms of high-density housing in the Slotervaart area in Amsterdam. The young firm sees a trend in which groups of prospective buyers work with developers and the city to realize their collective dreams, resulting in a repetition of large housing blocks, 'islands of similarity'. After a period of 'I' Space&Matter believes we are heading towards a time were the 'we' is very strong.
They have designed housing blocks around a collective interest or theme. The plinth houses functions and amenities in relation to this theme, initiated by the building group. Could this stimulate social cohesion on different levels?

Newark in New York
Interboro in New York analyzes the Broad Street corridor in Newark and concludes that many of the past glimpses of the future by great city thinkers miserably failed in Newark. They speculate how the enormous connectivity of that area should enable a whole range of attractive dwelling qualities. Their glimpse is about equal housing opportunities.


Detail with quotes by famous city planners and thinkers like Richard Florida and Ebenezer Howard

Both teams have made with their glimpse a statement on future living in the city, both visions are about social sustainability. They show us that still a lot of questions need to be answered; how can we make more connective cities, better mixtures, how can we design a fluent transition between the 'We' and the 'They' and how can we stimulate a community giving something back to the surroundings, and how can we create a real collective space?

More debate on housing in the future and the Glimpses during the symposium 'Planning the future of Amsterdam & New York' at ARCAM on July 5th, 2011. See for more information and subscription: ARCAM.

Marlies Buurman

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